Mind Your Mate
Suicide Prevention Skills Training
We deliver award-winning Suicide Prevention Training that helps people reduce suicide risk using the Look Listen Link model.
The training removes the myths around suicide risk, explains why people become at risk, shows how to identify someone who is at risk and how to safely help them by linking them to the appropriate help.
We have trained thousands of police officers and staff across the UK as well as university students, teachers, parents and the general public.
Section 1:
Understanding Suicide
Why do people become at higher risk of suicide
What can we learn from interviews with suicide attempt survivors?
Myths and Facts about suicide. Many of the beliefs we hold about suicide are a mixture of myth and fact.
An opportunity to ask about statements you have heard about suicide risk e.g. are left-handed people at higher risk of suicide?
Section 2:
Damaged Emotional Resilience Increases Suicide Risk
Damaged emotional resilience is one of the elements of the suicidal mind
How emotional resilience protects us from common mental disorders including clinical depression
The two qualities of emotional resilience
Risk and protective factors in your life that affect your emotional resilience
Damaged emotional resilience as an early warning sign
Section 3:
Clinical Depression and Suicide Risk
What is clinical depression?
Recovery from clinical depression – what works?
The suicide triangle and the five elements of the suicidal mind
Suicidal escalation and de-escalation
World Health Organisation evidence of how to reduce the number of people dying by suicide
Understanding why might someone at risk of suicide may not ask for help.
Section 4:
Using the Look Listen Link Model
Evidence we can save someone: The bridge between suicide and life
What happens after someone does not complete suicide?
Why someone might not try to help someone who is at heightened risk of suicide
LOOK: Looking for the signs that someone is at heightened risk of suicide
LISTEN: Using active listening to help someone talk about how they feel, helping to de-escalate suicide risk
LINK: Who do I link someone to? Do I need their permission? Should I ask if they have suicidal thoughts?