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Mind Yourself

How to improve and protect your mental health 

Being mentally healthy is a lot more than simply the absence of mental illness. It's feeling happier more often, having healthy self-esteem, being connected to the important people in your life, and being emotionally resilient when life turns negative. 

Our 'How to improve and protect your Mental Health' Programme will help you move towards flourishing mental health by showing you how to incorporate mentally healthy practices into your life. 



Three 50 minute workshops suitable for ‘Lunch and Learn’.


Each workshop is self-standing 50-minute.

Workshop 1:
Understanding and monitoring your mental health


Understanding the Mental Health Spectrum: not being mentally ill is not the same as being mentally healthy.

How the NHS measures mental health: The Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (suitable for self-monitoring).


The Human Negativity Bias and the stress response: Fight or Flight.


Neuroplasticity:How your brain changes to support your habits.


Get started: How keeping a gratitude diary triggers joy in your life

Workshop 2:
Mentally Healthy Practices

  • Plan Hedonic moments into your day: They make you happy today, not in the future.


  • Daily Acts of Kindness: Happy people become happier by counting their acts of kindness and self-kindness.


  • Mindfulness: A mental health superpower which can reduce depression and anxiety by over 50%.


  • Use the Optimistic Framework: Even if you’re a pessimist!


  • Connection: Using active listening to build better relationships.

Workshop 3:
Emotional Resilience, how to protect your mental health during difficult times in your life

Emotional resilience is how we react to negative events in our lives. It is mostly learned behaviours.

The two main qualities of resilience are emotional recovery and sustainability.

Improving emotional recovery: Reducing rumination, practising mindfulness, using the ABCDE model of CBT and learning to forgive others and yourself.

Improving sustainability: Optimists try for longer, understanding your willpower and what to do when you have a willpower failure.

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